Royal Oak Morris

Links to Other Sites

There is a surprisingly large amount of Morris dancing informtion on the Web, as you may be aware. A good place to start is the combined Morris page. This has links on to the home pages of the various national groupings of Morris dancers. The UK has three, The Morris Ring, The Morris Federation and Open Morris.

Royal Oak is a member of the Morris Federation , which started life as the Women's Morris Federation, but now provides information, encouragement, insurance, inspiration, occasional exasperation, bells, books, archives and national representation for over 500 men's, women's and mixed Morris sides.

The oldest UK Morris Organisation is the Morris Ring , started in the 1930s. The Ring was originally extremely silly about women and Morris dancing (to the extent of Ring sides refusing to travel on the same bus as a men's Morris side who had a lady musician!), they are now much more pragmatic, although still restricting membership to men only sides.

Open Morris started, as their name suggests, to try to get away from all this arguing.

One of the most complete sites, with links to just about anything to do with Morris is Morris Links . At the time of writing, this had links to almost 400 separate Morris sides on the Internet plus lots more. Another useful list is Mainly Morris Dancing .

A very useful site, is Sidefinder , which allows you to click on a map to find the 10 nearest sides to you! Try it out!

Some Friends

Other local sides with web sites :

Hereburg Morris in Harbury.

If we haven't listed your side's site, please send me an e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.